Dover Gutter Refurbishment

RoofTech were contacted by a client who had an issue where the corroded steel sheet had been cut back and a steel flashing installed to both sides of the existing valley gutter. Daylight was evident from underneath the gutter between the new flashing and existing cut sheeting where profiled filler blocks should have been installed. The joints in the large flashings were also providing a potential source of water ingress with numerous repairs having been carried out.

Dover Gutter Before

RoofTech laid a rigid board in the sole of the gutter to cover the existing gutter bolts and provide a flat surface and then installed a purpose made gutter liner, manufactured from Protan PVC single ply membrane laminated onto galvanised steel, in three sections to fully encapsulate the eaves flashings and valley gutter followed by installation of profiled filler blocks to complete the weathering detail.

Dover Gutter After


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